
搜索"丹尼斯·科贝特" ,找到 4部影视作品

/ 盖尔·哈维
Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate (Duke), but lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind. As dark family secrets begin to reveal themselves when Paul's parents forbid him from seeing Ruby, Ruby is further devastated when her beloved Grandmère passes away. Forced to flee to New Orleans from the bayou, Ruby searches for her estranged father (Bellows), one of the richest men in the city, as she clings to her memories of Paul and their forbidden love.
/ 约翰·威尔斯,海伦·谢费,恩辛哈·斯图尔特,莉拉·内格鲍尔,奎燕·陈
《女佣浮生录》改编自斯蒂芬妮·兰德的《纽约时报》畅销回忆录《Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive》,以单亲妈妈亚历克斯为主角展开叙述,她靠当女佣来艰难地维持生计,同时努力摆脱受虐关系和流离失所的状态,以便为女儿麦蒂创造更好的生活。该剧集通过这名绝望但坚定的女性感性而幽默的视角,如实展现了一名母亲的韧性。
月殒天劫 Impact
/ 内详
《月殒天劫》(Imact),由《Suernatural》、《Reaer》和《Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles》导演Mike Rohl执导的一部科幻灾难迷你剧,将于6月21日、28日在ABC播出。故事主要描述一颗流星击中月球后,导致了一系列灾难性的后果。如同电影《世界末日》(Armageddon)的情节一样,人类派出一支精英团队前往月球,试图寻找拯救地球的最后途径。 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;这是不是意味着《月殒天劫》仅仅是一部没有新意的、乏味的「复制品」呢?答案是否定的。这部投资1400万美元、长度为3小时、由Natasha Henstridge、David James Elliott、James Cromwell、Steven Cul等众多知名演员演出的迷你剧,还是有不少独创的亮点。 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;正当人们兴致勃勃地欣赏万年一遇的巨型流星雨时,一颗躲藏在流星群中的棕矮星突然冲向月球。巨大的冲击力引起恐怖的爆炸,月球表面的部分区域瞬间碎裂成岩屑。碎片很快坠入地球的大气层,所及之处陷入一片火海。虽然损失并不算大,但极度恐慌的情绪还是在全世界范围内迅速蔓延开来。与此同时,地球上出现了一系列异常--最开始只是手机信号消失、不规则的静电干扰、奇怪的潮汐现象等不太惹人注目的现象,但事情显然并不这么简单。 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;世界上最顶尖的科学家们--Alex,Maddie和Roland--开始收集相关线索,试图解读其中的玄机。然而他们惊讶地发现,月球的轨道可能已被彻底改变。更糟糕的是,地球上的异常现象已到了不容忽视的地步--来自月球的巨大「磁涌」已足以干扰地球的地心引力。地球上某些区域里的人、物体甚至汽车,经常无缘无故地陷入短暂的失重状态。这些区域的产生是随机的,相互独立的。 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;经过精确计算,Alex等人证实:还有39天的时间,地球将和月球「迎头相撞」,世界的末日、人类的末日将在同一天到来!
/ 韦恩·罗伯茨