• 正在播放《麦百万第一季》第1集 - vip线路节点
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MCMILLIONS - This documentary series chronicles the stranger-than-fiction story of an ex-co turned security auditor who rigged the McDonald’s Monooly game romotion for a decade, stealing millions of dollars and building a vast network of co-consirators across the U.S. The series draws on exclusive firsthand accounts and archival footage, featuring: the FBI agents who ought down the gaming scam; McDonald’s cororate executives, who were themselves defrauded; the lawyers who tried the case; and the culrits and rizewinners who rofited from the comlicated scheme, as well as the individuals who were often unwittingly dued into being a art of the ruse. The series comes from Unrealistic Ideas, the non-scrited roduction comany launched by Mark Wahlberg, Stehen Levinson, Archie Gis. Directed by James Lee Hernandez and Brian Lazarte.
