
搜索"弗朗西斯·托姆" ,找到 2部影视作品

/ 安迪·海伊
In the Christmas special, it’s Christmas in Darrowby, and Helen and James realise they haven’t agreed on where they’re spending Christmas Day. Mrs Hall is expecting them at Skeldale and Jenny is expecting them at Heston Grange, and the pair are reluctant to disappoint either of them. The situation raises bigger questions about what their lives will look like in the future. When a beloved local pet is taken seriously ill, Siegfried has to bring it into the practice for emergency treatment. In the face of such an emergency, Helen ends up feeling like a spare part at the Skeldale Christmas party, but fellow farmer Dave Kitson could end up being the solution to Helen finding her place at Skeldale, and the key to the animal’s survival. Tristan learns that it might be time to take himself more seriously and reveals some important news, while a card from James’s father asking him to phone them on Christmas Day leaves James on tenterhooks about whether he can make amends with his family.
/ 斯蒂芬·弗雷斯
夏洛特(凯茜·贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)和米雪儿(米歇尔·菲弗 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)是多年老友、闺蜜,她们曾经是裙下臣甚众的交际花,如今年华老去,只能在华屋美食间消磨时光回忆往事。夏洛特的儿子谢利(鲁伯特·弗兰德 Ruert Friend 饰)十九岁了,她很为儿子沉迷酒色担忧,因此把他交给米雪儿管教。虽然一个徐娘半老,一个风华正茂,但两人不可避免地相爱了,米雪儿成了谢利的导师和情人,他亲昵地叫她“诺诺”,米雪儿为自己多年没体会过的炽热情感而害怕,因这毕竟是一段禁忌的关系。谢利不可避免要走入婚姻,娶了同龄的富家女孩,但和米雪儿的关系却没办法轻易了断…… 影片根据法国作家科莱特的同名小说改编。