
搜索"罗布·麦克尔亨" ,找到 6部影视作品

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Ian and Poppy are working on a brand new game at GrimPop. Back at Mythic Quest, chaos ensues under David’s leadership. Oh, and Brad's out of jail. Mythic Quest follows a group of video game developers tasked with building worlds, molding heroes and creating legends, but the most hard-fought battles don't occur in the game — they happen in the office. In season three, as Ian and Poppy navigate the gaming world and their partnership at the newly formed GrimPop Studios, Dana is forced to play mediator to her bosses’ incessant bickering. Back at Mythic Quest, David settles into his new role as the boss where he truly finds himself in charge for the first time with Jo returning as his assistant — more loyal and militant than ever; and Carol attempts to figure out where she fits in after a new promotion. At Berkeley, Rachel struggles to balance her morals with capitalism, while a post-prison Brad tries to return to society as a reformed man.
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罗伯麦克尔亨尼。瑞恩雷诺兹。威尔士雷克瑟姆。对这个小镇来说,足球不是生死。比这更重要。观看 FX 的Welcome to Wrexham的官方预告片,这是一部原创纪录片系列。 Rob McElhenney(费城永远阳光灿烂)和 Ryan Reynolds(死侍)经营着世界上第三古老的职业足球俱乐部。 Welcome to Wrexham 是一部纪录片,追踪英国北威尔士的工人阶级城镇 Wrexham 的梦想和忧虑,因为两位好莱坞明星接管了该镇历史悠久但苦苦挣扎的足球俱乐部。 2020 年,Rob 和 Ryan 联手购买了 5 级红龙队,希望将俱乐部变成一个全世界都可以支持的失败者故事。担心? Rob 和 Ryan 没有足球经验,也没有合作经验。从好莱坞到威尔士,从球场到更衣室,从前台到酒吧,Welcome to Wrexham 将追踪 Rob 和 Ryan 在足球俱乐部所有权方面的速成课程,以及一支依靠两名演员来完成的球队和一个小镇的命运密不可分。给可以使用它的社区带来一些严肃的希望和改变。
神话任务 第二季
/ 罗布·麦克尔亨尼
With the quarantine finally over, the new season of quot;Mythic Quest” finds everyone back in the office (well, almost everyone), attemting to build uon the success of Raven#39;s Banquet by launching an eic new exansion, but Ian (Rob McElhenney) and the newly romoted co-creative director, Poy (Charlotte Nicdao), struggle with the game’s direction. Meanwhile, C.W. (F. Murray Aaham) reconciles some unresolved issues from his ast, the testers (Ashly Burch and Imani Hakim) test the bounds of an office romance, and David (David Hornsby) loses yet another woman in his life as Jo (Jessie Ennis) leaves him to assist Brad (Danny Pudi).
/ 罗布·麦克尔亨尼
/ 罗布·麦克尔亨尼
  With the quarantine finally over, the new season of Mythic Quest finds everyone back in the office (well, almost everyone), attemting to build uon the success of Ravens Banquet by launching an eic new exansion, but Ian (Rob McElhenney) and the newly romoted co-creative director, Poy (Charlotte Nicdao), struggle with the game’s direction. Meanwhile, C.W. (F. Murray Aaham) reconciles some unresolved issues from his ast, the testers (Ashly Burch and Imani Hakim) test the bounds of an office romance, and David (David Hornsby) loses yet another woman in his life as Jo (Jessie Ennis) leaves him to assist Brad (Danny Pudi).
神话任务:群鸦盛宴 第一季
/ 托德·比尔曼,大卫·戈登·格林